LinuxConsole 2024, a lightweight distribution for children and kids is available for downloads

You will find 32/64 bits ISO files on or in a mirror


abd27ce63342e4a97ab44c14d8742319 linuxconsole.2024-x86.iso

8fbeda0f11329004d7ba3392e8fd4328 linuxconsole.2024-x86_64.iso

This release is build from scratch with Your Distro From Scratch 2.10

The Desktop is Mate 1.28.1
Very recent kernel run the system : 5.4.283 for 32 bits, 6.6.49 for 64 bits

A lot of games, and music tools are ready for use

You will find also VLC, Gimp and Gparted

Opkg package manager is available to install new software.

opkg-cl update
opkg-cl list
opkg-cl install (git, vim, ...)

The packages list will grow in next months

Wine is also ready to use, then you should be able to install Windows software

Any bug could be reported on the YDFS issue page